The Delium Story
Delium is the marriage of tactics and technology to produce the best outcome for your client.
In 425 BC the Boeatians, allies of the Spartans, and Athenians were at war. The Athenians fought with greater numbers. The Boeatians, with lesser numbers, acted tactically, applied new technology and won – Delium was saved.
Delium continues the tradition of combining clever tactics and technology to help you win.
Tactics & Technology
The flame in our logo represents a flame thrower, innovative new technology used for the first time in the Battle of Delium.
The surrounding circle represents a new tactic and strategy used in the same Battle of keeping a reserve force ready to surround and overwhelm the opposition after the initial fray (eDiscovery) had been completed.

Patent Protected Functionality – Granted US, Australian and Canadian Patents
Delium includes two patented elements relating to “Evidentiary Information” and “Multiple Proceedings” which allow us to claim:
- Delium is the only eTrial product that can provide a truly paperless and personal electronic courtroom experience capable of being run by the legal teams.
- Delium is the most efficient eDiscovery software for managing multiple related cases, substantially saving effort and cost by minimizing duplication of processing and review effort
Presenting Evidentiary Information
Evidentiary Information Items Relating to Multiple Proceedings
- United States Patent No. US 9,524,478 –Titled “Evidentiary Information Items Relating to Multiple Proceedings" – Dated December 20, 2016
- Canadian Patent No. 2 774 662 – Titled “Evidentiary Information Items Relating to Multiple Proceedings" – Dated 26 September 2017
- Australian Patent No. 2016203349 B2 - Titled " Evidentiary Information Items Relating to Multiple Proceedings" - Dated 30 November 2017
Common Evidence Framework
In a variety of scenarios lawyers work with multiple related cases or claims that share some evidentiary materials (for example, class action types claims or litigation that becomes the subject of a Government Inquiry or Regulatory Review). Typically, in such cases, shared materials have both common objective information and unique case specific data and analysis.
Other litigation support databases manage each related collection individually, requiring significant duplication of effort and cost and resulting in a high likelihood of data errors and compromised analytical efforts.
Delium’s Common Evidence Module is different. This patent protected functionality stores the objective information for all documents into a single common case database and stores the unique subjective analysis in separate Satellite case databases. This approach allows for all evidence to be collected, objectively processed and stored once, reducing cost, effort and the likelihood of error whilst enhancing analytical outcomes.

Delium Milestones
First application of Common Evidence and party private editions of evidence in combination in a hearing room.
First entirely legal practitioner operated Technology Court, 158 days of uninterrupted hearings without operational support.
Justice Cooper observes that the use of evidence presentation technology (Delium) accelerated the proceedings by “at least 50%, probably significantly more”.
First application of independent practitioner driven evidence publication and party private editions of evidence.
“I came to the system (Delium - System@Law Court) with some trepidation in my technologically impaired state”…
“I soon found that the system had been developed to such a high standard of user-friendliness that its use did not detract from my concentration on the trial” …
“the actual trial time saved by not moving, retrieving and returning paper is at least 25%.” …
“it (Delium - Systematics Court) was a pleasure to use” …
“I have since returned to the comparative frustration of conventional techniques of using hard copy documents and transcript”
Justice David Bleby, “The First Electronic Trial, South Australian Supreme Court”, paper prepared at the request of the Historical Collections Librarian of the Supreme Court library.
Systematics, Delium’s predecessor business, designed, built and operated the first Internet accessible evidence presentation system delivering “a better "Quality of Justice", by: increasing the capacity to better examine the full range of evidence, allowing more witnesses and more exhibits, in less time, and allowing more access to the courts.” ... “the Plaintiff's solicitors estimated saving of 30% to 40% in hearing time in first eighty days ($3,000,000.00 in legal costs)”. The Hon. Justice Tim Smith Supreme Court of Victoria “The Estate Mortgage Court System” AIJA Technology for Justice Conference 23rd March 1998
Systematics, Delium’s predecessor business, designed, built and operated the New South Wales police Royal Commission, delivering the first integration of public and private evidence perspectives.
Systematics, Delium’s predecessor business, designed, built and operated the world’s first paperless hearing. “The course of the hearing was greatly accelerated” … “I would estimate in the vicinity of 25 to 30 per cent with proportional cost savings” Justice John Slattery AO, QC, “The Kalajzich Inquiry: Harnessing Technology” (1994) 6(11) Judicial Officers Bulletin 81.